Unfortunately that’s a bad (but rare) bug in macOS and hard to fix. The database is probably corrupted and needs to be deleted, but the problem is that the database is under “System Integrity Protection”, thus a normal user can not delete it.
一般是【System Integrity Protection】这个服务使用的数据文件【TCC.db】损坏了。但是普通用户是没有权限修改这个文件的。
Before trying the steps below, first try whether these terminal commands fix your issue:
sudo tccutil reset All
sudo tccutil reset Accessibility
These would be the necessary steps, but they are not really easy…
1.) Disable SIP (system integrity protection). Which is a complicated process unfortunately (see https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/208481 276 ).
- 重启Mac,然后一直按住Command+R,进入到Recovery Mode,直到苹果logo显示在屏幕上.
- 点击Utilities > Terminal.
- 在Terminal窗口中, 输入
csrutil disable
,然后按下Enter键. - Afterwards restart & boot back into normal macOS:重启Mac,正常输入密码,进入到系统中.
- 可以输入【csrutil status】来查看SIP状态
2.) 删除/重命名 tcc.db file (e.g. using this command: sudo mv /Library/Application\ Support/com.apple.TCC/TCC.db /Library/Application\ Support/com.apple.TCC/TCC_old_backup.db
3.) Boot into Recovery Mode Again:重启电脑,继续Command+R进入Recovery Mode
4.) Enable system integrity protection again (command: csrutil enable ):通过命令【csrutil enable】重新开启SIP
5.) Reboot the Mac:重启Mac,正常输入密码,进入到系统中,熟悉的权限都会出现在【安全性隐私】中了。